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Tax Problem and Resolution Services

Injured Spouse Relief

You may qualify for Injured Spouse Relief if the IRS uses the refund from your joint return to offset certain past-due debts that are the sole responsibility of your spouse or former spouse, such as taxes, child support, or student loans. Injured Spouse Relief should not be confused with Innocent Spouse Relief. You may be classified as an Injured Spouse if you do not receive your portion of a refund because of your spouse’s debt, whereas Innocent Spouse Relief applies to debt for which you are technically co-responsible, but not liable because of circumstances. Whatever the cause, we can help you rectify an unfair tax liability and get you your money. Our tax experts will closely examine your case to see if you qualify for Injured Spouse Relief and/or any other IRS Relief programs.

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Obtain Your IRS File (Freedom of Information Act)

The Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA, gives any person the right to access their IRS file. Knowing what the IRS has in your file is a great place to start when resolving a tax issue. Furthermore, it is probably as important to find out what the IRS does not know about you as it is to see what they do have in your file. We will make a discreet request for your information from the IRS so as not to draw undue attention to any tax liability. After we acquire your IRS file, we will explain it to you in layman’s terms, as well as recommend a course of action that will set you on the road to ending your tax controversy.

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Offer in Compromise

An offer in compromise allows you to settle your tax debt for less than the full amount you owe. It may be a legitimate option if you can’t pay your full tax liability, or if doing so would create a financial hardship. The IRS will generally approve an offer in compromise when the amount offered represents the most it can expect to collect within a reasonable period of time. But the Offer in Compromise program is not for everyone. We will analyze your financial situation to see if you are eligible. If you do not qualify for an offer in compromise, we can recommend other payment options that will resolve your tax debt.

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Unfiled Returns

If you have neglected to file a tax return from a previous year or years you should do so immediately–even if you think you can’t pay. The penalties and interest you may face for not filing a return are often much worse than if you file but do not pay in full. In other words, you have nothing to gain by not filing tax returns except hefty fines and possible jail time. We have the expertise you need to straighten out your misunderstanding with the IRS. Once we have filed your missing returns, we can help you work out a payment plan or an Offer in Compromise. Please note that the IRS will not accept any payment arrangement or revoke a lien or levy until all delinquent tax returns are filed. Contact us today to learn more about filing your overdue tax returns.

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